All eyes on the final lab tests before Keos first implementation. To meet this challenge, the company relies on Alsaflam’s expertise.

Société AlsacSociété Alsacienne, basée à Issenheim dans le Haut Rhin (68), Alsaflam étudie et fabrique à la demande des équipements thermiques destinés à équiper des processus industriels. L’entreprise propose une gamme de brûleurs à gaz industriels haute performance qui répondent aux besoins d’Ananké.

Alsaflam is an Alsatian company based in Issenheim in the Upper Rhine (68). The company designs and manufactures on request thermal equipment destinated to equip industrial process. A qualitative range of high-performance industrial gas burners that meet Ananké’s needs.


>> Modular gas burner within variable power. It’s composed of a device that controls the hot air flow rate and its temperature.

>> The equipment is included in a container simulating the customer furnace. The latter contains in addition: a heat exchanger, an air tank and a compressor.


Carry out the last hot tests before the pilot site installation. Tests are currently underway at the Ananké workshop to test out Keos at 600°C and 240kW.

This collaboration brings the final piece to take Ananké to the next level. An unremitting motivation to get its innovation in front of the industrialists.

Stay tuned to find out more…