Selected among 138 contestants, Ananké is one of the 11th contest finalists organised by Cleantech Open France.
The Cleantech Open program, originally launched by the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), holds the world’s biggest annual innovation and technology contest. Its purpose: identifying, financing and supporting the most outstanding eco-innovative start-ups. This entity implies three stakeholders: ECOSYS Group, Citizen Entrepreneurs and Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW).
Ananké made it to the final in the “Energy Efficiency” category with 4 other companies:
Hive Electric ensures research and development work in the on-board and stationary electrochemical energy storage sector.
Sirea designs and provides energy efficiency solutions for both residential and professional customers through monitoring applications.
Sinilux uses data transfer over Li-Fi technology, also known as Light Fidelity, to get internet connection through the LED light bulb.
Kipsum upgrades housing and public lighting systems thanks to artificial intelligence algorithms that enable the best solutions to be defined.
Ananké convinced the Committee thanks to its strong strategic features: an innovative project, an added-value range of technical skills and an international business potential. The start-up takes one step at a time to consolidate its position as a player in the energy transition.