Compressed air is an essential and expensive energy consumed in large quantities in industries with high fatal heat emissions. Ananké decides therefore to expand its products range in order to respond effectively its customers’ needs. Focus on its new product: KΣOS.
Depending on the type of industry, using compressed air represents up to 30% of overall electricity consumption.
Studies on the energy efficiency of a compressed air installation* highlight the energy losses at each stage (tool, network, transmission, etc.). In this network, the compressor and its motor are responsible for more than 57% of the losses; ultimately, the useful energy represents only 8% of the production.
However, optimizing compressed air can be easier than expected as well as the profits can be quickly significant.
Before marketing its écogénérator (which produces heat and electricity), Ananké launches KΣOS that generates heat and compressed air.
To make it clear, KΣOS recovers fatal heat and convert it into useful heat and compressed air.
Using this technology provides a significant economic advantage to companies such as metallurgy, glassmaking, foundries… The compressed air production, directly consumable with no electrical power supply, allows high yields. Accordingly, by reducing the use of existing compressors, the Ananké’s skid quickly becomes profitable. The industrialist gains better control over his production costs by limiting the purchase of external energy thanks to the valorization of waste within his company.
Stay tuned to get more details about the results of the first industrial demonstrator….
* Source ATEE – Practical guide to compressed air